I love when customers send in photos of their dogs wearing Mimi.
Meet Millie, she belongs to Elizabeth:
Cosmo who belongs to Kimber of Great Scott
Lucy (and baby Ian) who both belong to Molly
Shiva, whom Carol at Wires n’ Pliers bought this Matilda Collar for…
It is a total pick me up to see “customers” (hehe) wearing my designs. And I sooo need a pick me up today! It has been kind of a tough week so far. Not having the security of a full time job and missing my co-workers has really been getting to me. But I know this will pass, I’ve said it once and I will say it again, quitting a job is like breaking up with a boyfriend. Maybe worse…hummm…
And speaking of pick me ups, although Starbucks is closing 500 locations somehow I am lucky enough to have one (with a drive thru no less) opening up just blocks away. Plus it is right by the entrance to the freeway! This is going to be hard on the pocketbook, I can already see it!