Category Archives: Blog

Mr. and Mrs. Macbooks

macbook pro pink

My new baby– her name is midge (since she is much smaller than my old one). Check out the sweet covers we got for them!

macbook pro covers skin

Mine got a tattoo of course;) All you have to do is find a sweet skin (aka laptop sticker) and attach it before the Speck cover and tada! Laptop tattoo. Dan inherited my 15'' Macbook Pro, which was named Cali but I think i will re-name her Marge since her coloring is like Marge Simpson's hair doo. 

Midge arrived on Friday and although her birth was almost painless, I did totally screw up by accidentaly deleting ALL of the Mimi Green files before switching them over to her. I got a cold and the meds just didn't agree with my brain.  Thank God for Mac's time machine witch had all but a few files saved. 

Dan also got a new baby just yesterday:

A brand new industrial machine! Now we will be rocking out collars just in time for the holiday season.


as you can see, we are swamped! The studio is a mess, but it is a glorious mess — I am so grateful that we are doing so well!

Crochet Awesome-ness

I found the most awesome scarf tutorial on lilibeth’s garden

for the sweetest winter scarf. Here’s the one I made:


I love it! And it looks great in all colors. Here is the one Hiedi of Lilibeth (who has a fantastic blog!!) made:


Awesome, right?  Now if I just could figure out how to make them for dogs… My Cessie gets very cold this time of year!

Anniversary Trip

Mr. Miller suprized me with the most awesome 3rd wedding anniversary present last weekend, a trip to Ojo Caliente, NM.

mimi green anniversary trip

We had all our friends come early for our wedding and stay with us and Noah at Ojo 3 years ago. (I can’t believe it has been that long already!) Then on our wedding day, we all traveled an hour to the Loretto in Santa Fe, NM for the wedding. It was a dream come true.

Here we are on the special day. Noah looks so little and I look so skinny!


5x5-1Now we are back to work. We’ve got lots of dog collars to make! It was nice to be away, but really nice to be back.

Mimi Green in a new light

I have so many customer photos to post soon, but I wanted to show everyone the AWESOME photos from Winston’s mom, the genius behind EE Photography


(Mimi Green Hunter Collar, leash and Bow)

I still haven’t seen Winston in his collar yet, but his mom Erin was nice enough to post these photos on her blog. If you live in the Abilene, Texas area and need a photographer, give Erin a call. She not only rocks as a photographer but is just the sweetest person.

I’ve never seen Mimi Green look so good! I wish I could sit Erin down and pick her brain for a few days 😉

Hello stranger!

So I’ve been missing in action for awhile now, I know. Although I’ve said it before, my absence was for good reason.

Reason #1:

We hired a new staff. First few folks didn’t work out, but 3rd time was the charm. Jessi started working with us about 6 weeks ago and we just adore her.  (Hope she doesn’t mind that I stole this photo of her off Facebook!)Jessi


I could say that I have been so busy training her about all things Mimi Green and that is the reason I haven’t blogged, but that is so far from the truth.  After the first week Jessi was rocking and rolling. Mr. Miller said she is going to be better at making collars than we are soon! We love her. She is not allowed to quit, ever. It was a bit stressful, okay a lot stressful, to hire lots of new people. It took up a lot of my attention and I thank God that is over for now.


Reason #2:

I have gone on a redecorating spree. The house looks like someone else’s house — and I have been keeping it clean! I couldn’t figure out how to balance kids / husband/ business / house but now I think I am getting the hang of it.  Only took me 9 years!






Here are some views of our bedroom. I can’t get enough of it. It is my first bedroom that feels like it belongs to a grown up. We also have been working on the yard:



 See, check me out, I did my laundry AND hung it outside!  



Reason #4


I kinda got a 4th dog! IMG_5757



Meet Coraline Jackson-Miller. I didn’t exactly mean to get a 4th dog, but I did and we love her. She might take a plane ride to MN to live with Dan’s family who are looking for a dog, but we will see. We are getting pretty attached;)


Reason #5, and the biggest reason for not blogging…


We designed a ton of new stuff! You can see our 2009 Holiday Gear on our site here100x-mastree



New Fall line here: 

And lots of new colors of flowers!Orangeandlemon There are some other new Mimi Green designs on the way, but those I will keep under wraps. Until next time, and I promise it won’t be months this time!

Mimi Green on Pet Sugar!

Pet sugar

Check out our PopCorn Flowers on Pet Sugar’s July Must Haves!

If you don’t read Pet Sugar you should give it a try. Super fun dog stuff. And while you are at it, check out Casa Sugar, Pop Sugar, Buzz Sugar, Bella Sugar, FIt Sugar, Lil Sugar, Yum Sugar.. should I go on?  You get the point, they have a ton of websites for every interest and all of them are super to look at/ read.

We are so honored to be a July Must Have!

The Real Henry Miller

People are always asking me about who works here at the Mimi Green studio so I am going to give everyone a peek in.

First, I think we should start with the backbone of Mimi Green, the hardest worker around, the real boss, Henry Miller.

henry, quaker parrot

Sometimes he gets really mad at us if we are talking and messing around.

quaker parrot

And he’s been known to take out his anger on our thread, machines, and fabric. But we know he always means well.


henry taking a drink

He’s pretty convinced that he is a human, even tries to drink water out of cups 😉  At least he told me that was water in the cup…

I was kind of put off last week when Dan bought himself a desk that practically takes up half of our space, but turns out that it was a great purchase. Henry now spends his days pacing the long desk hollering out commands such as  “Give me a Kiss” or “Come here girls”.

Dan got Henry as a birthday present when he was just a little hatchling. (is that what you call a baby parrot? I don’t know, but it sounds right!)

He now has a pretty big vocabulary and learns new sounds and words everyday.

Now, if I could just teach him to say, “Amanda You‘re Good Enough, You‘re Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like You!” 

“Baby got back” will also do.