Category Archives: Blog

Personalized Dog Breed Dog Tags are here; and so is Walnut the Pug!

Mimi Green Personalized Dog Breed Dog ID TagsWe’re pretty happy around Mimi Green as of late and for good reason, or should I say reasons.  Firstly, our newest addition to the seemingly ever-expanding Mimi Green line is ready to go, and they are sharp!

Our 24k. gold plated and genuine nickel plated Mimi Green personalized dog breed dog ID tags are now available for 100+ breeds in 2 sizes.  And let me tell you, these are not the run-of-the-mill brass, or stainless steel, tags you might be familiar with. They are very well made and feel like little pieces of jewelry.  The small size is perfect for toy and small breeds, and features up to three lines of personalized text on the back, while the large size is suitable for medium to large breeds, and has up to four lines of text.  I have included a few examples below but be sure to check them out on the site along with all of the other great dog ID tags we currently offer.

Gold Plated Personalized Dog Breed Dog ID Tag by Mimi Green

Nickel Plated Personalized Dog Breed Dog ID Tag by Mimi GreenNickel Plated Personalized Dog Breed Dog ID Tags by Mimi Green

And now without further ado, I present to you Walnut!

Walnut the Pug at Mimi Green Studios Walnut came to us Yesterday after a friend dropped him off at the Mimi Green Studios.  He is staying with us until he can find a new home, although I suspect that he already has (with us)!  I guess we will just have to wait and see.  He came to us as Leroy, from a house where he had literally been living on his own, all by himself for a couple of months.  He has not left our side since arriving and has slowly (well, actually very quickly!) won over our hearts.

Walnut and Augustine in the Mimi Green StudiosWalnut chose his favorite person quickly, and needless to say – it is Augustine!  Here they are relaxing before lunch.  He is also a great model, as you can clearly see.  In these images he is content and quite happy in his Mimi Green Cebra Loca (Crazy Zebra) harness.

He is also modeling the Personalized Mi Corazon (My Heart) collar with a Mimi Green Pug dog ID tag.

Walnut in the Mimi Green StudiosThanks for reading, hope you had a great labor day weekend.  Oh Yeah, Walnut wanted to make sure you all have his discount code for our new Mimi Green Personalized Dog Bred Dog ID Tags; he’s wearing his in the above picture:

Enter the following code during checkout for 15% off our new Mimi Green Personalized Dog Breed Dog ID Tags:  breed15







The Pets of Mimi Green! Edition 1: My love, Kermie the goldfish

We are not only dog lovers here at Mimi Green, but major animal lovers. We don’t descriminate!  Here at the office we have a pet goldfish, lots of pet shrimps, 4 snails and our employees collectively have 14 dogs (of course!), 2 parrots, a dove, a gecko & 3 cats.

Our lovely black moor goldfish Kermie is, next to Chupa, the unofficial office mascot. I fell in love, and I mean head over heels in LOVE, with him last April because he looks like a pug (correction, he looks exactly like Chupa!)
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Our Pug-alicious Photo Shoot! (and a coupon!)

It is no secret that I LOVE pugs, so you won’t be surprised to hear I had a blast with these monkeys today. Tracy brought her two pugs Zack and Zelda (who you have probably seen all over our site and blog, they are the cutest!) and her bf’s pug Stella (you remember her, we named our Stella Rose and Blue collars after her!)

Pugs MImi Green CollarsI love this photo. It reminds me of an early 1900s photo where everyone is so stoic.

Zack is such a ham, he didn’t take a single bad photo.

zack the black pug in mimi green

and Zelda has such a great “pug” look to her. She is as sweet as she is beautiful too.

zelda the black pug in mimi greenWe had some bloopers too, Zack decided he was such a good model that he should be in EVERY photo, so he photo bombed Stella.

pug photo bombAnd of course, no photo shoot would be complete without Chupa.

Chupa the pug in Mimi Green Dog CollarThe pugs had so much fun, Zack asked if he could give you all a coupon to save some $ on these new styles. I’m weak to him, so I agreed.

mimi green couponCoupon good till April 25!

Cute Reflective Dog Collars — Be Safe and Look Good!!

We’ve had tons of requests for reflective dog collars but I just couldn’t figure out how to make them as cute as our other collars.   After tons of thought we finally had custom colored reflective ribbon made just for us and came up with some super cool reflective collars!

Cool Reflective Dog Collar

(isn’t Minion cute! She is our manager Paula’s puppy and she is turning 1 next week! She came from the the Save a Mexican Mutt Rescue  which is an awesome organization who helps save dogs on the streets in and around San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.)

We started with Grape, Raspberry, Forrest Green, Aqua Blue and Black but will have tons of other colors by summer.

I was skeptical, but these collars turned out more awesome than I could have imagined!

We also used the reflective ribbon to make our Personalized Buckle Dog CollarsPersonalized Reflective Dog Collar, Cute Reflective Dog CollarsThe 3M reflective tape looks grey in daylight, but even indoors any ray of light reflects brightly on this collar. This way any approaching vehicle will spot you and your dog from up to 1000 feet away so you will both stay safe on your evening walks!

The Carlson Pug Gang Represent Personalized Dog Collar Buckles!

I love these pugs.  If you have been following us for long, you probably recognize Zoe, Zack and their little sis Zelda Pug. They are probably 3 of our biggest cheerleaders, they’ve been wearing Mimi Green almost exclusively for the past 4 years!

Pugs Personalized Dog CollarsThey belong to my friend Tracy, she says they are a pug gang but I’m not too scared 😉 Although, anytime someone is missing an eye I gotta wonder what happened to the other guy in the fight! The missing eye defiantly makes Zoe look mysterious 😉

Zelda is wearing our new Cora collar, Zack is wearing the Tangerine Collar, Zoe is in the Madeline Collar and all three of them are wearing our laser engraved personalized collar buckles!

What I love about these personalized collars is that there is no need for noisy jingling tags, but Tracy likes the look of their handmade tags so these pugs wear both.

I know it must be hard to choose between the plastic and metal engraved buckle collars, so I thought I’d put together a list about each of their qualities to help.


  1. The plastic buckle is contoured, the metal buckle is not. (This is mainly why the Carlson Pugs are wearing the plastic)
  2. I like the look of the white engraving on the black buckle, it is really different and super good looking.

METAL ENGRAVED PERSONALIZED DOG COLLAR BUCKLE:personalized dog collars-no jingling tag!

  1. The metal buckle feels really special. It weighs the same amount as the plastic buckle, but it feels more substantial.
  2. I like that the engraving on the metal buckle looks like the engraving on a dog Id tag. It just makes sense.

I think that either way you can’t go wrong. They are both really wonderful buckles and they are both super strong (which is very important in a dog collar buckle).  My dogs are currently using the plastic buckles and we love them. I also have an engraved plastic buckle on my camera strap (pictures coming very soon — it looks SO cool!) with my named engraved. Tracy’s dad came up with that idea — brilliant, right!? I feel so happy every time I see my buckle with MY name on it! I imagine that my dogs feel the same way about their engraved buckles (well they would if they could read right!)


Spring is in the Air at Mimi Green!

We love the Spring here at Mimi Green. Spring is great because it is 1. the end of winter and 2. Spring collar time! Every Spring we design 5-7 new fabric collars which will be our staples for the year. This year was especially fun because we had SO many awesome fabrics to choose from. So, with no further ado, meet Cora, Jones, Louie, Stella Blue & Stella Rose!
Spring Line of Mimi Green CollarsI think this might be our strongest line ever (I probably say that every year, right!?) But seriously, I LOVE every one of these collars! I loved Stella so much that I had to make it in two color ways. It is a super funky West Indies pattern, it looks like a fabric you’d find in Anthropologie.

I also am super excited because two of the collar patterns are specifically for boy dogs. We get asked a lot to make more masculine collars and this year we listened. The Louie and the Jones are just about as masculine as a designer fabric dog collar can get.  I can totally imagine a big male dog sporting either one of these collars with pride 😉

Sadly, we had to say goodbye to our very popular Caroline Collar this month, but its replacement, Cora, is just as beautiful.

As with all of our collars, these are named after dogs we know and love. Just for fun, meet the real :

Cora pomeranian dog
jones german shepherd
Louie French Bulldog
stella pug

So here’s to the tulips blooming, allergies kicking in, more daylight and new doggie collars!  Gotta love the Springtime.

(Cora & Jones photos by the amazing Kim Jackson Photography)

& to celebrate, please use code Spring2012 to save 15% off of any of these new styles of collars, leashes, harnesses and key fobs!


New Blog & New Mimi Green Products!


Welcome to our new blog! We loved our old Typepad blog, but it was time to move it onto our own site, so here we are on WordPress. Bear with me as I learn all the ins and outs of WordPress (which is awesome so far btw!).

Besides the big blog change, we’ve also had some other big changes around Mimi Green.  This past week we started to add a new line of designer DSRL camera straps to our brand! I know this is getting off track a bit, we are first and foremost a dog collar company, but I have a good explanation.  I love making products that I would want to use. In fact, I have a super hard time making new products that I don’t use myself (it took me two years to make harnesses and I still don’t have all of our styles for sale!)  I use every single thing we make and I love using them.  To be frank, my personal constituiton only allows me to make products I am passionate about.

Cora Camera StrapWe all know I am passonate about dogs, but that wasn’t my first passion.  Since I can remember, my greatest passion in life has been art.  When I started college, I knew that I wanted to get an art degree, but that I should get a more pracical degree.  I was on the fast track to getting my bachlor’s in journalism, but I just couldn’t fight the urge to be a student of art. Even though it added a few extra years onto my college expierince, I made the switch. At first I thought for sure I’d be a painter, but things changed after my first photography class. Amanda +  camera = love at first site. And its been that way for the past 10 years with no wavering.  I even met my husband because of photography — he was a photo grad student when I was doing my undergrad (and he was my photo teachers roomate.)

Dan and I got married while he was finsihing up his degree and we made big plans — I wanted to work in a museum (and I did for a bit) and he wanted to teach photography at the university level (and he did for a bit too). We had a great plan, fate laughed at it, and now we are fulfilling our destiny with a dog collar company that we LOVE.

And we do love sharing our passion for dogs with all of you, so I thought that this was the year when I could share some of my passion for photography with you too.

Just like Mimi Green collars started, Mimi Green camera straps began as a gift I made for myself. I looked and looked for a new upscale camera strap that matched my style and only found straps that I sort of liked, nothing I loved. So, I spent a Saturday in the studio and made my own!

mimi green custom camera strap
This is my personal strap

I really loved seeing our collar patterns in camera strap form and working with leather was AWESOME so I made more. And each one has been prettier than the last.

I can’t wait for all of you to see the full line up. The coolest thing is that you will be able to buy a camera strap that matches your dog’s collar!  We have the most amazing flower embossed Italian leather coming in the next 4 weeks and then we can get rolling. In the mean time, you can see the few that I did make here.

AND if that’s not enough news for ya, our Spring line of collars, leashes and harnesses launches this week! Stay tunned…






And the winner is…

I have been so excited for today — you would have thought that I had entered and had a chance at winning. I guess I was just excited to see which of you would win — I had so much fun reading all your comments and I really wished all of you could win!

I wasn’t sure how we were going to choose a winner, so I asked my 11-year old son Noah to choose a number between one and 100 (to coorospond with each comment) He chose a number and the winner is….

Sarah Miller! 

I “like” (but really LOVE!) Mimi Green on Facebook!

Posted by: Sarah | January 02, 2012 at 10:21 PM

Congrats Sarah, you win a laminated cotton collar & leash of your choice! (we will email you with all the details!)

and… she’s not the only lucky winner today.

Our runner up, who wins for being the most creative (I mean, he made a sign people!) is…

Louie the Frenchie and his momma Jess!  

Louie wins a laminated cotton collar of his choice.


Thanks for entering! That was really fun, we’ll be sure to do it more often!!


Things we love: The New Year & Our New Camera!

Happy (almost) New Year! I don’t know about you, but I’m planning on this coming year being one of the best yet. I turned 30 last month, Mimi Green is doing great & life is very good. There are a few things that I decided I am going to do differently this year, one is that I am finally going to make time for things that make me want to sing from the rooftop — you know, things that really make my heart glow. One of my most favorite things in the world is blogging and this past year I really put that on the back burner. In 2012 you are going to see lots more from me on this blog!

Secondly, I am bought myself a newer, fancier camera and I am making a vow to use it everyday. I also bought a bag that allows me to carry all my purse stuff and my camera (in the same awesome bag! Review of that later) so I have no excuses for not having my camera with me. Photography is one of my great loves in life (Dan’s too, we met while I was an undergrad and he was a grad student in photography, but that is a whole ‘nother story!)

And that brings me to my post. It takes a lot of gear to keep Mimi Green running smoothly and new Mimi Green gear is VERY exciting to me. We get lots of questions about who shoots our products (I do!), what camera we use to shoot them, what sewing machines we use, etc.  All of these items we use have been Chupa approved (two paws up) and I’d love to tell you about some of them — starting with my newer, fancier camera….

canon 60d review

I had a wonderful SLR the past 4 years — the Canon Rebel XTi. I was always a Nikon gal until my D100 failed me during Auggie’s birth. I felt traumatized and Dan loves Canon so I switched teams and I’m glad I did. Nothing against Nikon (except for the birth photos fail!) but something about my Canon just feels like home to me, it feels right. I know, not a very quantitative review, but I am a super passionate person who leads with her heart, what can I say!

canon 60d review and canon rebel xti

(I took this photo with my iphone, it’s not great but you get the picture 😉

I loved the XTi, took every product photo you see on our website with it. And its been great, 4 years without one problem and I have been rough on it. And I would have been totally happy with it for quite awhile longer except that I saw and held a Canon 60d one day last month. I was wowed by the 60d’s substantial body, its BIG flip out screen, the fact that it also shoots video! I felt a bit guilty that my loyalty to my XTi faded so fast & I almost ignored my desire to stray until I read about the 60d’s specs on-line.

Although the Rebel has always been fantastic for products that don’t move, it wasn’t always great for shooting my son on the soccer field or our hyper doggy models. The 60d promised to be much faster than my little XTi and based on that I took the bait.

Dan tried to get me to look at the even faster models, but they were all so BIG and heavy. I’m not a tripod kind of person so I really didn’t want the extra weight. And for what I need it for, the 60d is still a lot of camera.

canon 60d review and rebel xti

I’ve had the 60d now for about a week and am falling further in love with it everyday. There are so many featrures to explore and learn about — I’ve done somthing new with it everyday since I got it & I still haven’t learned about all its possibilities.

Today I shot our new laminated cotton collars and it was like a dream — I can’t wait to show you all the finished product.

And there’s no need to worry about the fate of the Rebel XTi. Our office manager Paula is going to give it a new home & since the beautiful Chupa lives with Paula, I’m sure it will be very happy shooting for many years to come at its new home.

Mimi Green, Jonathan Papelbon, MSPCA and Gucci?? Say what?!

This month we had the honor of dressing a dog for the fashion show at the MSPCA-Angell Animal Tales Gala.  The Gala raised a whopping $481,000 for Boston’s MSPCA!

 Not only did we get to dress sweet Lucille in the fashion show, but Red Sox pitcher Jonathan Papelbon and his wife Ashley waked her down the runway!

Jonathan Papelbon & Mimi Green dog


Boston’s WCVB’s news reporter and anchor, Randy Price announced,

First we welcome Red Sox pitcher Jonathan Papelbon and his wife Ashley walking the beautiful Lucille, whose accessories tonight are by Mimi Green and Gucci.

Excuse me, were the words “Mimi Green” and “Gucci” used in the same sentence?!?! Heck yes they were! And to top it off “Jonathan Papelbon” too!!??

Jonathan Papelbon Red Sox & Mimi Green Leash / harness

Here’s Lucille with the shelter staff. The MSPCA does great work for animals in their community and we felt so happy and honored to be able to help in the small way we did.

MSPCA, Mimi Green, Jonathan Papelbon

(photos by Bill Brett and Topher Cox and beautiful Lucielle is wearing the Fidora Harness and Leash )