I have wanted a pug since I can remember. When we were trying to decide if it was time for a new baby I told Dan that it was a dog or a baby. I had it in my head that I wanted to either cuddle a baby or a wrinkly little pug. Dan made us get a black Lab. Needless to say, we had a baby.
Auggie turned 6 months on Wednesday and I still wanted a pug. I should have just told Dan that I wanted a baby AND a pug, but after talking to NM pug rescue, I found out that it wasn’t too late.
Meet Cecelia Miller. We are calling her Cessie.

Oh, she makes Auggie so happy. Well, she isn’t ours to keep, we are just fostering her for the rescue who right now has 14 pugs in need of a home. I met up with the NM Pug organizer, Kelly, yesterday at NM Animal Humane and got to take this baby girl home after she had surgery to remove a growth on her arm
You wouldn’t even know that she was cut into yesterday, she is so happy to be here and has already made herself at home. Me, well, I am gonna have a hard time giving her back to be put up for adoption. She is already sporting a Mimi Green original design…
I made her this collar this morning and was going to embroider her name on it until I realized that her new owners might change it. I want her to take this with her so she can remember her foster momma. 
Plus I think the beautiful blue buttons will make her feel better from her surgery, along with the blue striped bed and baby blue leash that I bought her yesterday. I also bought an insane amout of treats, Chicken Soup for the Dog’s Soul canned food, and Paul Newman peanut butter pieces. Noah says that I am going to spoil her.
What is sad is that her daughter was picking on her at the rescue and from the looks of her apparently not letting her eat or drink. Good thing our lab, Etta, is being very generous. 
You can see her stitches in this one, they aren’t pretty. Poor girl.
Sewing the collar was super simple. I will be putting up a tutorial for it soon, I think I’ll make one for each one of the pugs at NM Pug Rescue. Click here for the link to them, but don’t blame me if you instantly fall in love.