Has Yoga gone to the Dogs?

On my morning trek to Starbucks this morning I heard a segment on the radio about how popular dog yoga is becoming around the world. Now, God knows I love my dogs, and I really do love yoga. But in conjunction, not so sure about that. Its kind of like how I love Salmon and I love peanut butter, but together they’d be a pretty big mess.

So I came home to read about it — try to expand my understanding of the subject. Turns out it is quite the phenomenon. Dog Yoga…hmm…makes sense I guess. I mean where did they come up with downward facing dog anyway? Pooch inspired???

Thing is that my dogs seem pretty relaxed as it is. I mean, they wake up in my bed, take a run around the yard, pee, come in and eat, sleep, go back outside, pee….well you get the picture. Lots of eating and sleeping going on around here. I don’t think I’d be able to convince the husband that we should spend a cent of his hard earned money to help the dogs feel more relaxed. This isn’t to say that I haven’t met a dog or two in my time who would benefit from some chilling out. I just wonder if the dogs will really let you put them in the pose. When I want to cuddle and Cessie doesn’t there is no amount of force in my body that can get or or keep her lying next to me. All the sudden her 12lb body has the strength of 10 men. I can’t imagine trying to get her to stand in tree pose. (I am laughing out loud at this visual hehe)

After all the giggling I guess this is what I got from my research this morning: Some dogs, like people, cannot calm down to save their lives.  And really, as crazy as the whole thing might sound, the more things we have to make our world a calmer place, well I’m all for that.

ap photo dog yoga

So grab your dog, your mat, an open mind, and read about the whole thing here. 
 And Namaste, the God in me bows the the God in you, canine, human, whatever you may be 😉